Support both asyncio and synchronous callers

Barry Scott barry at
Tue Jul 28 16:07:53 EDT 2020

> On 26 Jul 2020, at 02:36, Damian Johnson <atagar1 at> wrote:
> Hi. I'm the author of Stem, Tor's python library [1]. Recently we
> migrated to asyncio, but desire to still be usable by synchronous
> callers.
> We wrote a mixin [2][3] that transparently makes any class usable by
> both asyncio and synchronous callers...
> ======================================================================
> import asyncio
> import stem.util.asyncio
> class Example(stem.util.asyncio.Synchronous):
>  async def hello(self):
>    return 'hello'
> def sync_demo():
>  instance = Example()
>  print('%s from a synchronous context' % instance.hello())
>  instance.stop()
> async def async_demo():
>  instance = Example()
>  print('%s from an asynchronous context' % await instance.hello())
>  instance.stop()
> sync_demo()
> ======================================================================
> Is there a better way to approach this?
> Our wider ecosystem seem to be forking networking libraries into
> sync/async variants, with requests [4] and AIOHTTP [5] as the most
> prominent. Are there any libraries out there that demonstrate good
> support for both kinds of callers without duplicating their API?

Maybe you have a sync facade that uses the async version to do
the work? That way you have one implementation and two ways to
use it.


> Thanks! -Damian
> PS. I apologize if this email gets duplicated. Initially I used a
> different email address which Mailman seemed to decline.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> -- 

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