Fwd: Problemas para ejecutar Python en windows 7

DL Neil PythonList at danceswithmice.info
Thu Apr 2 15:41:32 EDT 2020

On 2/04/20 7:24 PM, Honori R. Camacho wrote:
> Gracias por atender esta solicitud. Si, no explique que antes se 
> ejecutaba correctamente, pero ocurio que por error se desinstalo un 
> *frameworks* y desde ahi consideramos, empezaron los problemas. Se 
> reinstalo el Python 3.5.4 desde los repositorios de Python.org y se 
> puede ejecutar utilizando Geany, pero si queremos ejecutarlo desde el 
> escritorio, mediante un acceso directo no lo permite. De echo en windows 
> 7 en "Ejecutar como". No nos permite colocar Python, ni PythonW y antes 
> se podia y se ejecutaba desde alli. gracias.

Please respond to the Discussion List email address - others may be able 
to help (more quickly)!

If the earlier reference to documentation in Spanish did not help, are 
you able to use 
https://docs.python.org/3/using/windows.html#python-launcher-for-windows ?

Is there an Accessories > 'DOS box' or 'Command Line' option in the 
Start Menu?

Please would someone else help?
(I don't use Microsoft products)

Am hoping this is one of those perennial questions.

The issue (if I have understood it correctly) is that Python was damaged 
when a framework or library was removed. So, Python was re-installed 
from the official repository. However, whilst it will now start from 
Geany (editor) there is no (longer) a Windows-Desktop short-cut (which 
may mean, entry on the Start Menu or a 'box' in the Win-10 
opening-screen Start Menu replacement-thingy).

I'm not clear whether the "short-cut" is to access Python at the 
command-line, or if it is to start an application under Python.

Regards =dn

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