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DL Neil PythonList at danceswithmice.info
Mon Nov 11 15:45:00 EST 2019

On 12/11/19 7:14 AM, joseph pareti wrote:
> i have done the first 6 lessons of python ---
> https://classroom.udacity.com/courses/ud1110/lessons/bbacebc6-406a-4dc5-83f6-ef7ba3371da6/concepts/50247542-7933-4afe-9130-ff1dff429b03
> what do you recommend next? My goal is ML/AI

As with any professional field, there is no end to the learning...

Probably some consolidation to provide a solid set of Python skills, 
would be a good idea; and then to dig-into ML - if you have the patience 
and long-term view.

If you'd like to switch to books:
There are plenty to choose from. My impression of the current crop of 
Python/ML/AI books is that they either start at a reasonably 'high' 
level or their 'intro to Python' chapters are rather perfunctory. Have 
you an assessment?
Another impression, is that in the rush-to-publish/to be 'first', there 
is a very confusing coverage. Perhaps better to read non-specific books 
about ML/AI as preparation, and then focus on specifics (and thus 
applicable Python texts)?
Meantime, build-up your Python skills - I've previously mentioned 'here' 
the The Python Craftsman series (Apprentice, Journeyman, Master), but 
there are others.

If you're comfortable with MOOCs:
I have found Udacity courses tend to be a little 'thin' (YMMV!).
Coursera has a range of offerings, and you might review the multiple 
series from U.Michigan (have assessed some and are IMHO competent but 
not earth-shattering).
U.Mich also offer a number of ML courses/quals, which may be of-interest 
(and hence the specific mention).
Similarly, edX where I noted a number of IBM ML offerings both with and 
without Python and likely majoring on "Watson".
(apologies, I'm biased against the multitude of MSFT's offerings, also 

(per example) https://www.coursera.org/specializations/data-science-python

Disclaimer: have no commercial connection to any of the above-mentioned, 
but do use the edX platform to offer (non-Python) training.
Tschüss =dn

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