Observations on the List - "Be More Kind"

Bruce Coram brucecoram at clara.co.uk
Fri Oct 5 06:22:29 EDT 2018

I will declare at the outset, I am a lurker.  I don't know enough about 
Python to give advice that I could 100% guarantee would be helpful.

There have been two recent threads that summarise for me where the 
Python Mailing List has lost its way (and this started before Trump 
arrived as a new role model for how to treat your fellow man):

"Re: This thread is closed [an actual new thread]"

"Re: So apparently I've been banned from this list"

The level of vitriol and personal attacks on the moderators was 
profoundly disappointing, but not totally out of character for those who 
made the attacks.  There is no doubt that these people know software and 
Python and this certainly earns my respect,  but perhaps they need to 
retain a sense of perspective.  There are 7 billion people in the 
world.  There are plenty more people at least as good as you and many 
better, but they don't have the compelling urge to demonstrate their 
genius.  They get on with their work in a quiet professional manner.

Some humility in acknowledging that you stand on the shoulders of giants 
would not go amiss.  It might also reflect that you understand the good 
fortune that dealt you such a good hand in life.

You aren't always right, and you don't always have to insist on being 
right.  I found Steve D'Aprano always had to have the last word and had 
to prove he was right.  I found some of his posts to be intemperate in tone.

Why is there a need to score points with caustic remarks or throwaway 
comments?  Perhaps the person who posed his question should have read 
the documents, perhaps he should have searched the archives.  Tell them 
so politely and firmly.  If you cannot manage that then why say 
anything?  Not everyone who posts a poorly prepared question is idle and 
deserves a response that is less than polite.  Prepare a boilerplate 
standard reply that is polite for those questions that are easily 
resolved by the poster.

Perhaps the person who posts something you regard as nonsense is 
ignorant and lacks the knowledge they think they possess.  Instead of 
wasting your time with scholastic debate, put the time to good use 
improving your education in subjects you don't excel at.  I can 
guarantee the depth of your ignorance will be profound - there will be 
much for you to learn.  The effort some of you put in to the endless 
debates suggests that you have plenty of time on your hands - don't 
waste it.  It will be gone soon enough.

Don't waste time on the trolls, some of whom undoubtedly enjoy the 
ability to provoke a response.  Develop a greater sense of self 
awareness to enable you to recognise that you are being played.  The 
intemperate tone of some of the exchanges damages the reputation of the 

Life is hard enough without us adding to it.  Try silence as a response.

Listen to Frank Turner's latest album: "Be More Kind".   That is not a 
plug to buy the album, but the title seems apposite - and the music is good.


Bruce Coram

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