please test the new PyPI (now in beta)

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Wed Mar 28 16:47:09 EDT 2018

On 3/28/2018 10:50 AM, sumana.harihareswara at wrote:

> People who literally don't see the list of ways to filter on the left-hand side of : I ask you the usual list of troubleshooting questions. What OS and browser are you using, what plugins and particularly interesting preferences are you using, and so on. (When I turn off JavaScript in my browser, I see a list of clickable category headings like "By Programming Language" but clicking on them causes no response.) A screenshot in an issue at would be helpful. (Reminder that participating in Warehouse development, including by filing an issue, requires abiding by the PyPA Code of Conduct .)

This is a window width issue.  Full screen (on my monitor), the 
categories work fine, and clicking on them appears to work.  When I 
narrow the browser window to about 1100 pixels, the category list 'to 
the left' disappears and is replaced by an [Add filter] box.  When this 
happens, "from the list of classifiers on the left." should be replaced 
by "by clicking the button below."

 >I recognize that many users want a more condensed view on many pages,

I consider reducing the search results from 60 to 10 per page to be 
unacceptable and disrespectful of me as a user.

Terry Jan Reedy

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