How to apply filters to posts

Ben Finney ben+python at
Thu Jun 14 15:39:08 EDT 2018

T Berger <brgrt2 at> writes:

> Thanks, Rhodri. One more question. What is a daily digest? I'm
> wondering whether to choose that option.

Don't choose the daily digest, because it makes a special “digest”
message for you each day. That message is disconnected from any other
message, and so you will not be able to reply correctly to any
discussion. It's not appropriate for anyone who wants to also
participate in discussions.

 \       “I have said to you to speak the truth is a painful thing. To |
  `\          be forced to tell lies is much worse.” —Oscar Wilde, _De |
_o__)                                                 Profundis_, 1897 |
Ben Finney

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