Need some help with argparse

Kryptxy kryptxy at
Tue Oct 3 15:23:24 EDT 2017

I am trying to figure out something with argparse.
Here is a scenario:

I have a group of arguments, say: (-a, -b, -c, -d, -e) [lets call it group1]
I have another group, say: (-z, -y, -x, -w) [lets call it group2]

import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test this shiz")
group1= parser.add_argument_group("Group 1")
group2= parser.add_argument_group("Group 2")

group1.add_argument('-a', '--extendA', action="store_true", help="HELP")
group1.add_argument('-b', '--extendB', action="store_true", help="HELP")
group1.add_argument('-c', '--extendC', action="store_true", help="HELP")
group1.add_argument('-d', '--extendD', action="store_true", help="HELP")
group1.add_argument('-e', '--extendE', action="store_true", help="HELP")

# Similarly for group 2:
group2.add_argument('-z', '--extendZ', action="store_true", help="HELP")
group2.add_argument('-y', '--extendY', action="store_true", help="HELP")
group2.add_argument('-x', '--extendX', action="store_true", help="HELP")
group2.add_argument('-w', '--extendW', action="store_true", help="HELP")

args = parser.parse_args()

Now I want to get arguments of group1 and group2 separately.
If I print(args) - I get arguments from both the groups.
Also group1.parse_args() does not work (since ArgumentGroup does not have parse_args() method)

How can I get all arguments of group 1 ONLY? Same goes for group 2?
I tried subparsers too - but they require a mandatory `positional argument` - which is not application's requirement.

Any kind of help is appreciated.
Thank you!

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