Python Learning

Sun Dec 17 23:31:37 EST 2017

Chris Angelico wrote:
> I don't know about vtables as needing to be in ANY programming course.
> They're part of a "let's dive into the internals of C++" course. You
> certainly don't need them to understand how things work in Python,
> because they don't exist; and I'm doubtful that you need to explain
> them even to C++ programmers.

I guess "need to" is a relative thing. You can drive a car without know 
how one works. You can use functions with little knowledge of a run-time 
stack. You can avoid recursion if you are scared of it. And you can 
totally avoid functions if you are scared of them. And who needs 
documentation...seems like a big waste of time! Programmers don't need 
to know how to write, do they?  Ask some programmers that just taught 
themselves, and they will tell you!

After reading, writing, and arithmetic, then perhaps programming.

> Polymorphism... actually, I could explain that to a three year old.
> "Eat your broccoli"
> "Eat your dessert"
> See? Polymorphism. The same operation being done to different things
> and having different results.
> ChrisA

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