Nested for loops and print statements

Larry Hudson orgnut at
Tue Sep 27 22:48:50 EDT 2016

On 09/26/2016 01:57 PM, Cai Gengyang wrote:
> Ok it works now:
>>>> for row in range(10):
>       for column in range(10):
>        print("*",end="")
> ****************************************************************************************************
> but how is it different from ---
>>>> for row in range(10):
>        for column in range(10):
>           print("*",end="")
> SyntaxError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
> Why does the example on top work and the example below doesn't work ? The only difference is that the "print" statement is one space different from each other. Forgive me if i can't explain things clearly over the forum

As they came through in the newsgroup, BOTH run correctly, because both versions had leading 
spaces only.  (I did a careful copy/paste to check this.)  Tabs are sometimes handled 
incorrectly/inconsistently in newsgroup postings.  But if you read the Traceback error message, 
it is telling you that you have a mix of tabs and spaces _in your original_.  READ the error 
messages, they are important!

      -=- Larry -=-

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