How to you convert list of tuples to string

Michiel Overtoom motoom at
Tue Nov 22 11:51:58 EST 2016

Hi Ganesh,

> Any better suggestion to improve this piece of code and make it look more pythonic?

import random

# A list of tuples. Note that the L behind a number means that the number is a 'long'.

data = [(1, 1, 373891072L, 8192), (1, 3, 390348800L, 8192), (1, 4, 372719616L,
    8192), (2, 3, 382140416L, 8192), (2, 5, 398721024L, 8192), (3, 1,
    374030336L, 8192), (3, 3, 374079488L, 8192), (3, 5, 340058112L, 8192)]

item = random.choice(data)  # Select a random item from the 'data' list.

msg = "%d,%d,%d:%d" % item  # Format it in the way you like.

print msg


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