How to you convert list of tuples to string

Ganesh Pal ganesh1pal at
Tue Nov 22 10:27:04 EST 2016

Dear friends ,

I am using fedora 18 and on  Python 2.7 version

I have a list of tuples as shown below

>> list

[(1, 1, 373891072L, 8192), (1, 3, 390348800L, 8192), (1, 4, 372719616L,
8192), (2, 3, 382140416L, 8192), (2, 5, 398721024L, 8192), (3, 1,
374030336L, 8192), (3, 3, 374079488L, 8192), (3, 5, 340058112L, 8192)]

(a) I need to select any element randomly the list say (x, y, xxxxxxxxxL,

  >>> list
     [(1, 1, 373891072L, 8192), (1, 3, 390348800L, 8192), (1, 4,
372719616L, 8192), (2, 3, 382140416L, 8192), (2, 5, 398721024L, 8192), (3,
1, 374030336L, 8192), (3, 3, 374079488L, 8192), (3, 5, 340058112L, 8192)]

  >>> import random
  >>> i = random.randrange(len(list))
  >>> sel_item = list[i]
  >>> sel_item
  (3, 5, 340058112L, 8192)

(b) Then convert the selected item in the below format i.e
 1,1,373891072:8192 ( strip L and add :)

     >>> sel_item
  (3, 5, 340058112L, 8192)
   >> c1 = ','.join(map(str,sel_item))

# what happened to 'L' it got stripped automatically ? will these be a
   >>> c1
#last four are always 8912 and
   >>> c1 = c1[0:-5] + ':8912'
    >>> c1

Any better suggestion to improve this piece of code and make it look more /

Ganesh Pal

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