WP-A: A New URL Shortener

Erik python at lucidity.plus.com
Tue Mar 15 20:31:03 EDT 2016

Hi Chris,

On 15/03/16 23:48, Chris Angelico wrote:
> I agree, it's a risk. Any indirection adds that. So the benefit has to
> be weighed against this inherent cost.

True, so it's not URL shorteners that I disagree with on principle, it's 
the _inappropriate_ use of URL shorteners ;) If one uses them on fora 
such as this which could be expected to exist for some considerable time 
then it's an issue. Elsewhere, then yes, the linking service may not 
last as long as the shortening service ...

>  I often like to make a small
> change when I reimplement, though - something that I thought was
> ill-designed in the original,

OK, so maybe the idea for Vinicius (if he's still reading) to pursue is 
that it should be something that can be used as the basis for a URL 
shortening "service" that is distributed and can NOT go away (think 
DNS). That is what some people don't like about the URL shorteners, so 
maybe that's an itch that he might want to scratch.

I've no idea if other such projects already exist, it just occurred to 
me when responding.


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