Embedding Python into C set up issues

robert.snoeberger at gmail.com robert.snoeberger at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 21:49:45 EDT 2016

> However, I am having great trouble getting Py_Initialize() to work in the both CDT and Visual Studio 2015. I have as a starting point a simple C program that prints hello world then calls py_initialize and then prints another line of text to the screen. Calling Py_initialize causes the script to exit with exit code 1. I am at a loss as to why this is happening. I have read the documentation about Py_Initialize() calling exit when it should raise an error so I understand it may be difficult to debug this issue.

The documentation for Py_Initialize says, "There is no return value; it is a fatal error if the initialization fails." Initialization is failing in your C program, probably because it isn't able to locate a module needed for startup, such as site or encodings.

Py_Initialize doc: https://docs.python.org/2/c-api/init.html#c.Py_Initialize

You probably need to specify the "home" directory, either with the environment variable PYTHONHOME or with Py_SetPythonHome. For your system, the directory should be C:\Python27.

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