Setting up Python WinXP

Michael Smolen 8smolen at
Wed Jun 22 12:41:34 EDT 2016

I can't wait to start programming with Python. However, I am having difficulty installing on my XP operating system. I downloaded Python-3.4.5ci as that seems like the version that will run on my operating system. The latest version will not as per mention on the website. I downloaded the compacted version  (*.tar), converted it to a *.tgz and extracted the software into a folder Python-3.4.5ci. That subdirectory contains numerous files (11) and 13 subdirectories. The README file states that "On Windows, see PCbuild/readme.txt.". That link was not found. 

So, I am clueless on what I need to do to successfully install Python3.4 on my computer. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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