the global keyword:

BartC bc at
Tue Jun 21 06:41:04 EDT 2016

On 21/06/2016 09:08, Antoon Pardon wrote:
> Op 20-06-16 om 16:53 schreef Steven D'Aprano:

>> You know, there's not actually a rule or law that says you have to
>> automatically take the contrary position to everything I say.
> There is also not a rule of law that says you have to automatically introduce
> semantic games into the discussion when someone else might have a point.

Glancing at the ducks limp thread again (starting 3-Jun-2016), it seems 
it was you trying to persuade me that (1) the name references I'd 
implemented (and which allowed me to do extra things that Python 
couldn't) weren't name references at all; (2) that Python really did 
have name references when you tried hard enough to emulate them.

What sort of semantic games were those then?


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