Python Not Working as expected on Win 8 and above.

MWS miragewebstudio12 at
Sat Feb 13 08:35:04 EST 2016

On Saturday 13 February 2016 07:13 AM, Joel Goldstick wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 3:16 PM, Manas Soni <sonimanas695 at> wrote:
>> I have downloaded python and when I click on it, it asks me to repair
>> which I do, it then says successful however when I click on it again it
>> won’t let me on it
>> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
>> --
> I don't do windows, so I can't give you an answer.  To the group, this has
> come up so consistantly lately.  Maybe a windows python user could explain
> why this is so confusing to newbies on windows?


Just to add to the above discussion, i find that when my workplace 
updated from win 7 to win 8.1 with fresh install, i downloaded the 
official python 3.5 and installed it.  Everything went well during 
installation, but, i couldn't find the default install python directory 
(maybe i didn't pay attention earlier), later, after some scratching my 
head and other intelligent thoughts and experiments i found it got 
installed in the users hidden appdata folder by default(confusing as i 
expected it to either get installed in a root folder or program files 
and also wondering why).  I used pycharm for working on previous win 
version, so after installing the same again i selected the python.exe 
file as default interpreter.  The big headache i found is that 
previously i could easily install packages from the pycharm interface, 
but currently the that thing is not working nor could i use it to run 
any of my previous apps(scipts) i created on win 7 (maybe not a python 
problem and i may find a workaround).  Finally as i had to get my work 
done, i used a (trusted) portable version of python3.4 with preinstalled 
modules and that got me working.  Wonder why is that so hard to work on 
win with python.

I work on linux at home and i never faced such a problem on it because 
it is natively supported on it.  Wonder when will microsoft understand 
that some programs need to be natively supported even if they are not 
made by them.

I love windows for what they are but i hold linux even more dearer for 
what it is.


PS : The system has upgraded to Win 10 but not tested the python 
installation on it.

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