Installed 3.5.0 successfully on Windows 10, but where is DDLs, Doc, Lib, etc?

eryksun eryksun at
Thu Oct 15 10:55:07 EDT 2015

On 10/15/15, Gisle Vanem <gvanem at> wrote:
> This is non-sense. I do have Python2 + 3 both on PATH (but both 32-bits).
> Not sure if PyLauncher looks for 64-bit registry entries only.

Running "py -3" doesn't use PATH. The launcher only uses PATH when
evaluating "/usr/bin/env" in a virtual shebang, e.g. "#!/usr/bin/env

The version of py.exe distributed with Python 3 is a 32-bit
application, so when the debug output says it's looking in the
"native" registry, it's referring to the WOW64 redirected registry
path, i.e. "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Python". If py.exe can't find
your installation of Python 3 in the registry, then the installation
is broken or non-standard. Try to repair or reinstall.

If python.exe can be found on PATH, then you can use "where python",
or open all found folders using a cmd shell for loop:

    for /f %f in ('where python') do @start "" "%~dpf"

> But is there a way for py.exe to use '%USERPROFILE%\Local\py.ini' only?
> I failed to find any good documentation on it's format.

The launcher looks for py.ini in "%LOCALAPPDATA%", which is

The ini file allows setting defaults such as setting "python3=3.5-32"
in the [defaults] section. This is documented here:

The [commands] section is undocumented, but this section only creates
convenience commands for use with shebangs. You can always use the
absolute path to an executable in the shebang if you need to associate
a script with some other Python implementation, such as PyPy.

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