Windows 32-bit Python 3.5 Install Failure

Ben Thompson kilgore661 at
Tue Oct 6 18:39:19 EDT 2015


I just tried using the 32-bit Python 3.5 installer for Windows from The program seemed to run OK, I ticked the path box but 
there seems to be no working python 3.5 on my (32-bit, XP) computer. The 
screenshot shows that python 2.7 is still installed, path contains 
Python 3 (albeit it a weird place) but if I give the full path to what I 
assume is the Python 3.5 binary, I get a window telling me that the 
program is not a valid application.

My guess is that what is advertised as a 32-binary installer actually 
installed a 64-bit version (because the error message described above is 
what I get if I try and run a 64-bit binary). To check that I had not 
accidentally downloaded the wrong installer I checked: I downloaded and 
ran python-3.5.0.exe not python-3.5.0-amd64.exe.

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