Swig + Numpy.i with a const int16_t pointer

Christian Gollwitzer auriocus at gmx.de
Thu Nov 12 03:46:10 EST 2015

Am 11.11.15 um 02:09 schrieb shriphanip at gmail.com:
> I am trying to wrap the following function with SWIG so I can call it from Python. The signature is:
> ```
> int WebRtcVad_Process(VadInst* handle, int fs, const int16_t* audio_frame, size_t frame_length);
> ```

This is thing is an array of 16 bit unsigned integers for input. The 
closest object in Python is a numpy array. There is a numpy.i available 
for Python, I'm not sure if it handles this case correctly. If you are 
unlucky, you need to write your own typemap.


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