PSF Python Job Board relaunched !

M.-A. Lemburg mal at
Thu Mar 19 04:39:11 EDT 2015

           Announcing: the brand new PSF Python Job Board

                *** ***

We are happy to announce that we have successfully relaunched the PSF
Python Job Board.

After almost one year of development and lots of work by our
volunteers and contractors, we are now live with the new Python job
board system.

New modern system

The new system is fully integrated into the website. Job
submitters can create an account on the system, log in and directly
submit their job posting for approval by the PSF Job Board Team.

The team can then review the postings, check them against our
submission criteria, possibly fixing some formatting, and then approve
or reject the postings directly through a web interface.

No more sending dozens of emails back and forth to get the job
template fixed and adding jobs to the website by hand.

Thank you to our volunteers

The new system was a major effort for all of us and I'd like to say
thank you from the PSF to everyone who helped make this happen (in
alphabetical order):


 * Simon Hayward
 * Melanie Jutras
 * Marc-Andre Lemburg
 * Giles Thomas


 * Wiktor Bachnik
 * James Bennett
 * Jacob Burch
 * Jon Clements
 * Gil Gonçalves
 * Simon Hayward
 * Sarah Kuchinsky
 * Marc-Andre Lemburg
 * Berker Peksag
 * Benjamin Peterson
 * Frank Wiles

Plus everyone I forgot in this list (sorry; mail me and I'll have you

We'd also like to thank to Martin Thomas and Chris Withers, who each
ran the Python Job Board for several years by email before the job
board team was set up.

Job submitters

If you want to submit a job, please visit the how-to page which
describes the process:

Submissions are free, but we'd appreciate a thank you in form of a
donation to the PSF:

Job seekers

You can click through the jobs on the jobs listing or subscribe to the
RSS feed we have for the listings:

Please note that we do not post CVs on the site. You will have to
contact the companies directly.

Good luck with finding a new job !

Brand new bugs for free

As with every new system, there are still some bugs left. If you find
something, please report it on the Github issue tracker:

More information

More information on the PSF Python Job Board and the relaunch project
is available on our project page:

 * PSF Python Job Board

If you have questions, please write to jobs at

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Python Software Foundation

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