I want to get involved with Python!

binki.c at mweb.co.za binki.c at mweb.co.za
Wed Mar 11 05:19:17 EDT 2015


I am currently a "Progress Programmer" and looking for new challenges! It seems that Python is a good language to get familiar with and I would like some advice. I am on the look-out for a new job anyway and I thought it well to look for a job as Python developer in my field. I have been working in the healthcare sector for many years now and perhaps the only way to find a job as Python programmer at this stage, will be to find a job in the healthcare sector, as this is what I am familiar with. Are there any healthcare companies using Python (anywhere in the world) that I can contact for opportunities and advice?

I currently live in South Africa and would like to know what the demand for Python is in SA, but I will also consider relocating to Australia or the UK if I find it's going to be worth it.

Please advise on what route you would suggest I take to become a Python developer!

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