TypeError: 'OldSample' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

Hina Imran hinaimran.mehr at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 04:37:20 EDT 2015

The data set looks something like this, The data is from openstack ceilometer python API

            counter_name': cpu_util', 
             user_id': 7b', 
             resource_id': ef', 
             timestamp': 2015-07-02T08:13:55', 
             counter_volume': 0.774, 
                                 ramdisk_id': None',
                                 flavor.vcpus': 1',
                                  OS-EXT-AZ.availability_zone': nova', 
                                  display_name': ubuntu-io', 
                                  flavor.id': 596642d8-', 
                                  status': active', ephemeral_gb': 0', 
                                  flavor.name': m1.small.io', 
                                  disk_gb': 20', 
                                  kernel_id': None', 
                                  image.id': 5776a360-', 
                                  flavor.ram': 2048', 
                                  host': host', 
                                  flavor.ephemeral': 0',
                                   image.name': ubuntu-io', 
                                   image_ref_url': http://b8dc', 
                                                 'href': 'http://19', 
                                                 'rel': 'bookmark'
                                                 cpu_number': 1', 
                                                 flavor.disk': 20', 
                                                 root_gb': 20',
                                                  name': instance-000000d3', 
                                                  memory_mb': 2048', 
                                                  instance_type': 596642d', 
                                                  vcpus': 1', image_ref': 5776a36', 
                                                  'href': '', 
                                                  'rel': 'bookmark'
                                                  source': openstack', 
                                                  counter_unit': %', 
                                                  recorded_at': 2015-07-02T08:13:55.485000', 
                                                  project_id': 1670f', 
                                                  message_id': 4849', 
                                                  4counter_type': gauge'

My code looks something like this

    auth=v2.Password(auth_url="http://", username="user", password="pass", tenant_id='id')
    # Pubnub instance initilize
    sess = session.Session(auth=auth,verify=False)     #
    token = auth.get_token(sess)
    cclient = client.get_client(2, ceilometer_url="http:", token=token,verify=False)
    data = cclient.samples.list(meter_name ='cpu_util')
    thing = {}
    msg = {}
    cols = []
    def __unicode__(self):
      return unicode(self.data)
    for row in data:
        col = {}
        col['x'] = row['timestamp']
        col['y'] = row['counter_volume']
    msg['columns'] = cols
    thing['message'] = msg
    print thing
    print json.dumps(thing)

My intended out out something like this

    message: {
          columns: [
            ["x": 123, "y": "456"],
            ["y": 0.045, "x": "2015-06-30T15:53:55"]
**here x is counter_volume and Y is timestamp**
I need the output in this way because I want to plug this data into EON pubnub Charting Library. Problem is that no matter what I do it keeps on throwing me errors.I guess I need to learn some more how to manipulate list of dictionaries. 

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