What killed Smalltalk could kill Python

Michiel Overtoom motoom at xs4all.nl
Wed Jan 21 12:45:05 EST 2015

Hi Steven, you wrote:

> In 2009, Robert Martin gave a talk at RailsConf titled "What Killed
> Smalltalk Could Kill Ruby".

I've yet to watch the video, I'll do that later tonight, but I also remember what DHH said about Smalltalk in his FLOSS interview about Rails, with Randal Schwartz, in July 2009:

[...] Smalltalk in itself... I tried a few times with some of the images, but it's too much of a different world. It's too idealistic for me in some senses. It's too much “throw out everything you know and I will show you a new world”. I haven't been ready to take that red pill.

I really like that Ruby is sort of, lets extract 80, 90 percent of what awesome about that and inject it with some real-world pragmatic approaches, like: You can use the text editor you like; You can save files on the file system; You can all these things in tracks with the real world. You don't have to leave everything behind to jump into this Smalltalk world. To me the whole thing about the Smalltalk images which is always just too confusing to me. Why? There's all this different distributions, they're not really compatible, it just seems like a hassle. I just didn't have the patience to wade through all that. But I'm glad somebody else did. I'm glad that all that wisdom is available mostly to people using Ruby. So, yeah, again: Not really.

Source: http://www.transcribed-interview.com/dhh-rails-david-heinemeier-hansson-interview-randal-schwartz-floss.html

Disclosure: I'm the one who made that transcription, and I recognized it from memory.


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