How do I remove/unlink wildcarded files

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at
Sat Jan 3 13:35:54 EST 2015

On 03/01/2015 17:53, Rick Johnson wrote:
> On Saturday, January 3, 2015 4:39:25 AM UTC-6, Mark Lawrence wrote:
>> I used to get very confused watching the old westerns.  The child when
>> talking about "more" and "paw" wasn't referring to possibly an
>> adjective, noun or adverb and a part of an animal, but what we would
>> refer to in the UK as "mum" and "dad" :)
> Early Americans are easy to satirize since most were
> schooled at home by illiterate parents. I believe the
> "redneck vernacular" substituted "mother" and "father" for
> "maw" and "paw" respectively. Which is not surprising since
> most uneducated folks tend to favor single syllable
> simplifications of words over their multi-syllable
> counterparts.
> Widespread centralized free schooling did not exists until
> almost the 1900's. Heck, looking back at American history,
> the world *SHOULD* be in awe. To go from a rag-tag
> illiterate bunch of cowboys, to the worlds most powerful and
> technically advanced society (in roughly one hundred years!)
> has to be the most amazing transformation in the history of
> the human society.

I suspect that the engineers who pushed the railways across North 
America were hardly "a rag-tag illiterate bunch of cowboys".  I won't 
mention that the transformation involved wiping out 99% of the 
indigenous population.

> Of course with all success stories, timing and luck had a
> little to do with it, but it was undoubtedly the rebellious
> and self reliant nature of Americans that made them so
> successful. So before you go and spouting off about how dumb
> Americans are/were, ask yourself, what greatness has *MY*
> country achieved in the span of a century?

I'm not entirely sure how a little bit of gentle teasing about accents 
in fictional films translates into "spouting off about how dumb 
Americans are/were" but there you go.  Hardly a century but I believe 
that the British Empire covered 25% of the land surface on the planet. 
Quite an achievement for a tiny patch of islands sitting off the coast 
of Europe.  However I suspect that a large number of people were glad to 
see the back of us, although I still think it audacious for those people 
to actually want to run their own countries.

> *school bell rings*
> PS: I've recently developed an industrial grade scraper
> specially designed for removing dried egg residue from the
> human face with a "minimal" amount of collateral damage. If
> any of you are interested in volunteering your egg covered
> faces for testing i would be thankful! Please send me a
> private message as the alpha phase begins soon!

I believe that this has already been done.  Should I ever need one I'll 
probably get a cheap one, complete with its "Made in China" sticker, 
from one of the many £ stores that are springing up in the UK.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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