Need help on a project To :"Create a class called BankAccount with the following parameters "

Cameron Simpson cs at
Sun Dec 27 22:32:58 EST 2015

On 27Dec2015 12:32, Prince Udoka <princeudo52 at> wrote:
>thanks mr cameron simpson, finally at i got the solution, God bless you:
>def manipulate_data(kind, data):
>    if kind == 'list':
>        for data in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
>            return data.reverse()
>    elif kind == 'set':
>        for data in {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}:
>            data.add("ANDELA")
>            data.add("TIA")
>            data.add("AFRICA")
>            return data
>    elif kind == 'dictionary':
>        for data in  {"apples": 23, "oranges": 15, "mangoes": 3, "grape": 45}:
>            return data.key()

Have you actually run this? Because it is still not right, though far better.

There are several problems:

The biggest issue is that "data" is a _parameter_. This means that it is 
information passed into the function from outside, to be used. However, in each 
of your "if" sections you iterate "data" over some hardwired values in a loop, 
and do _nothing_ with the value passed to the function. 1: why do you have 
hardwired values inside this function?

The next is that you have "return" statements inside the loops. This means that 
on the _first_ iteration of the loop, the function will return, and the later 
loop iterations will not happen. Normal practice would be for the "return" to 
be outside the loop, therefore _after_ the loop has done its work.

Now, also consider what such a change would mean. For the "list" case, it would 
mean that the code _inside_ the loop is empty. If there is no code there, why 
do you have a loop at all? Perhaps it is not needed. What do _you_ think the 
purpose of the loop is?

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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