Bug in Python 3.5.1

Cody Piersall cody.piersall at gmail.com
Thu Dec 24 09:46:21 EST 2015

On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 6:57 PM, <nisthesecond at verizon.net> wrote:
>     Dear Sir,
>    In the future, can you kindly include numpy, scipy, and pygame as part
>    the Python release?
>    Nick Srinivasan

Hello Nick,

Any time you want to install a Python package, the first thing you should
try is typing "pip install [package-name]".  If that doesn't work (and it
often doesn't), you should check [Christoph Golke's website] for the
package you're trying to install.

If you want to download Python and have numpy, scipy, and Python in one
installer, I recommend using [Anaconda].  You will still have to download
pygame yourself (I think).  Anaconda is a pretty big download, but the plus
side is that it comes with lots of packages so probably won't have to
install as much stuff.

There is no way that numpy, scipy, and pygame will become a part of the
Python release; that's why redistributors like Anaconda exist.

[Anaconda]: https://www.continuum.io/downloads#_windows
[Christoph Golke's website]: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/

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