Installing PyCharm on Windows (was: issues)

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn PointedEars at
Sat Dec 19 13:32:00 EST 2015

Anna Szaharcsuk wrote:

> I was trying to install PyCharm, but didn't worked and needed interpreter.
> the computer advised to install the python for windows.

Not “the python for windows” (that would be some species of snake), but 
_Python_ for _Windows_, the programming language interpreter.  Just do as 
“the computer advised”.

> Can you help me, please, PyCharm stillnot working...allways gives a
> message for repair, after- the repair successful and again message for
> repair...

Have you installed Python first?  If no, it cannot work (and please think 
about this: What good is an IDE/editor for a programming language if you do 
not also have the interpreter/compiler?).  It says so in the “Quick Start 
Guide” in the “PyCharm 5.0 Help”, currently to be found on the PyCharm Web 
site under “Docs & Demos”:


Have you tried to install Python ≥ 3.4.4rc1 on Windows XP?  If yes, it 
cannot work; you need Python < 3.4.4rc1 instead (and you should seriously 
consider upgrading Windows or even better, to switch to a real operating 
system, like GNU/Linux – many of the latter come for free and give you more 
freedom than Windows):


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