Why doesn't response pydoc on my Python 2.7?

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Sat Dec 12 19:47:16 EST 2015

In a message of Sat, 12 Dec 2015 15:01:54 -0800, Robert writes:
>I want to use pydoc as some online tutorial shows, but it cannot run as 
>below. What is wrong?
>>>> import pydoc
>>>> pydoc
><module 'pydoc' from 'C:\Python27\lib\pydoc.pyc'>
>>>> pydoc sys
>SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>>> import sys
>>>> pydoc sys
>SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>>> help(pydoc)
>Help on module pydoc:

You aren't supposed to type 
pydoc sys
from __inside__ your python command interpreter.

You type this at a command prompt.


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