Love to get some feedback on my first python app!!!

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at
Mon Sep 22 12:17:02 EDT 2014

On 22/09/2014 14:35, vek.m1234 at wrote:
> @Chris, Hi, I don't like your style of posting - please kill file me.
> @Everybody else - I don't like Chris and his style of posting (overuse of the 'troll' word and perceived aggression). I shall be ignoring him for a year (barring an emergency). Good communication demands that I announce this. Please don't misconstrue this as rudeness on my part. If you feel that he is asking something of pertinence, feel free to include it in your posts for a reply.

Laughable as you never give any context.  Please equip yourself with a 
decent tool, there are plenty to choose from.

And ignore Chris at your peril, he knows a fair bit about Python.  Sure 
he gets things wrong, but the only person who never gets things wrong is 
the person who never does anything.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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