tkinter errors out without clear message

Kai Song ksong at
Wed May 21 14:55:22 EDT 2014

Hi Terry,

Thanks for your reply!

> Nasty. I have seen TclErrors, but with a message.
> Here is a simple test I just ran (from within Idle) on Win7, 2.7.6.
> >>> import Tkinter as tk
> >>> root = tk.Tk()
> >>> tk.Label(root, text = 'label text').pack()
> >>> tk.mainloop()
> and I see a window with label with text.
> tk._test() works too, with slightly more involved window.

I tried this, but it panics in the same way when running tk.Label(). Again,
I can see an empty window after "root=tk.Tk()".

> You said you tried 2.7.5. I believe 2.7.6 has some tkinter bug fixes.
> There is also the issue that TkVersion == 8.5 is underspecied -- there are
> multiple bugfix releases. The 2.7 Windows installer has been installing
> 8.5.2, which has some bugs, but 2.7.7 will install 8.5.13, which is much
> better.

Sure, I can try with some other combinations of python/tk versions.
However, I tried on other SL6 machines, they have the same version (SL6.5),
and same tests work on those systems. So, the python/2.6.6 and tk-6.5.7
should work...

I can't recall how I set up these systems differently, but I am worried
that there are other non-tk/python related issues... I am just curious if
there are other ways to debug this other than python gdb?

Thanks again for your help!


Kai Song
<ksong at> 1.510.495.2180
1 Cyclotron Rd. Berkeley, CA94720, MS-50B 3209
High Performance Computing Services (HPCS)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -
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