
Alain Ketterlin alain at
Wed May 14 09:13:51 EDT 2014

Marko Rauhamaa <marko at> writes:

> Alain Ketterlin <alain at>:
>> The real nice thing that makes Julia a different language is the
>> optional static typing, which the JIT can use to produce efficient code.
>> It's the only meaningful difference with the current state of python.
> I'm guessing the two main performance roadblocks for Python are:
>  1. The dot notation is a hash table lookup instead of a fixed offset to
>     a vector.
>  2. The creation of a class instance generates a set of trampolines for
>     all methods. The trampolines are ordinary fields that can be
>     overridden.

Do you suggest this as a checklist to decide whether Python is the
appropriate language for a task? ("Do you really need any of these? If
yes, use python.")

> Both features are critical to Python's "sex appeal;" I wouldn't give
> them up for performance gains.

There are cases where performance matters (especially, when it is
directly related to your electricity bill).

> Producing an effective JIT for Python seems like a formidable challenge
> but not impossible in principle. After all, the developer *could*
> provide that static typing information in, like, 99.9% of the code.

Not 99% of the code; the code that runs 99% of the time.

> That would be feat worthy of a Millennium Technology Prize.

Here is a fairly interesting blog post about what the WebKit developpers
do for javascript (including profile-directed type inference, as they
call it):

-- Alain.

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