What should i do

Paul McNett paul at mcnettware.com
Fri Jun 27 11:18:24 EDT 2014

On 6/27/14, 2:19 AM, suburb4nfilth at gmail.com wrote:
> Hello I finished the codeacademy python course a week ago and my goal is to start developing websites (both back and front end) ,my question is do i start the web dev tuts and learn the holes of knoledge on the go or continue to learn python?

In my opinion if you want to start developing both front and backend of 
websites, then you should start developing a "full-stack" web 
application. You'll stumble and have to redo things along the way, but 
there's no better way to learn.

1) Get a Linux host with root access, like from Rackspace cloud. You are 
only charged while it is switched on. If you leave it on for a month 
you'll owe maybe $16.

2) Install python, virtualenv, pip, and a web framework. Starting with 
flask would be an excellent choice.

3) Install a database backend. Starting with PostgreSQL would be an 
excellent choice.

4) Implement the polling app from the Django tutorial, or maybe you have 
your own idea of a simple app to make.

5) Learn CSS and throw in some javascript to make it pretty.

6) Push your commits to GitHub along the way.

Do all of this and I can't promise how long it will take, but I can 
promise you'll be well on your way to becoming a strong web developer.


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