Is it possible to install Python on a network?

Ben Finney ben+python at
Wed Jul 23 22:35:29 EDT 2014

roys2005 <roys2005 at> writes:

>   I am trying to find out how I can install Python on a central machine
>   so that all users can use it

That's what confuses me. How do you envisage this working? On a given
machine, you can *run* programs only on that machine.

If you want to run a program on a different machine, you must somehow
invoke it using a network service already configured to do that. What
service are you expecting to use? SSH? HTTP? There is nothing about a
programming language interpreter which pents a way to run programs
across a network, unless you can specify *how* that is to happen.

What do you imaging a user doing, exactly, on machine ‘foo’ to make a
program execute on machine ‘bar’? At what step – exactly how – does the
communication between the machines occur to invoke the program? How is
the user's input, and the program's output, communicated in a way that
machine ‘foo’ knows to interact with machine ‘bar’?

 \      “The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But |
  `\     the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound |
_o__)                                              truth.” —Niels Bohr |
Ben Finney

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