What Next After Python Basics

C.D. Reimer chris at cdreimer.com
Sun Jul 13 17:46:20 EDT 2014

On 7/13/2014 1:16 PM, Orochi wrote:
> Hi,
> I am beginner in Python
> I have Completed Basic Python Course from Codecademy.com .
> Now that I have a hands on the basics what is the next thing I should do.
> I mean should I learn more or start a small Project(Any Ideas are Welcomed) or any Other suggestions.
> Where to Start?
> Thank You,
> Orochi

My first project after barely learning the basics of Python was reading 
a spreadsheet with 600+ website URLs, taking a screenshot of each 
website, and building a HTML webpage to display the 600+ screenshots. If 
I was to do this manually (i.e., clicking and looking at each website), 
this would take two weeks of my spare time. By automating this task into 
a Python script (which took two weeks of my spare time), the script runs 
for two hours in the background and I take 15 minutes to glance at the 
HTML pages with screenshots. If I find something wrong with a particular 
screenshot, I can click on the website URL to investigate further.

Chris Reimer

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