Can post a code but afraid of plagiarism

Ben Finney ben+python at
Sat Jan 18 17:57:52 EST 2014

indar kumar <indarkumar59 at> writes:

> I want to show a code for review but afraid of plagiarism issues.

Why? What solid basis do you have to fear someone plagiarising code that
you want reviewed?

There is already a vast amount of code licensed freely for anyone to use
and derive from. What would make yours especially susceptible to

As you can tell, I strongly suspect your fears are ungrounded. You will
benefit greatly by sharing your code here and likewise benefiting from
others sharing here.

> Kindly, suggest how can I post it for review here without masking it
> visible for public

No. This forum is for the benefit of everyone who reads it, and we all
contribute on that basis.

If you want private help, you'll need to find, and provide appropriate
compensation to, someone who is willing to benefit only you.

 \        “No matter how cynical you become, it's never enough to keep |
  `\                                up.” —Jane Wagner, via Lily Tomlin |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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