Blog "about python 3"

Robin Becker robin at
Fri Jan 3 05:32:26 EST 2014

On 02/01/2014 18:25, David Hutto wrote:
> Just because it's 3.3 doesn't matter...the main interest is in
> compatibility. Secondly, you used just one piece of code, which could be a
> fluke, try others, and check the PEP. You need to realize that evebn the
> older versions are benig worked on, and they have to be refined. So if you
> have a problem, use the older and import from the future would be my
> suggestion

Suggesting that I use another piece of code to test python3 against python2 is a 
bit silly. I'm sure I can find stuff which runs faster under python3, but 
reportlab is the code I'm porting and that is going the wrong way.
Robin Becker

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