Blog "about python 3"

David Hutto dwightdhutto at
Thu Jan 2 13:25:28 EST 2014

Just because it's 3.3 doesn't matter...the main interest is in
compatibility. Secondly, you used just one piece of code, which could be a
fluke, try others, and check the PEP. You need to realize that evebn the
older versions are benig worked on, and they have to be refined. So if you
have a problem, use the older and import from the future would be my

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Robin Becker <robin at> wrote:

> On 31/12/2013 15:41, Roy Smith wrote:
>> I'm using 2.7 in production.  I realize that at some point we'll need to
>> upgrade to 3.x.  We'll keep putting that off as long as the "effort +
>> dependencies + risk" metric exceeds the "perceived added value" metric.
>>  We too are using python 2.4 - 2.7 in production. Different clients
> migrate at different speeds.
>> To be honest, the "perceived added value" in 3.x is pretty low for us.
>> What we're running now works.  Switching to 3.x isn't going to increase
>> our monthly average users, or our retention rate, or decrease our COGS,
>> or increase our revenue.  There's no killer features we need.  In
>> summary, the decision to migrate will be driven more by risk aversion,
>> when the risk of staying on an obsolete, unsupported platform, exceeds
>> the risk of moving to a new one.  Or, there will be some third-party
>> module that we must have which is no longer supported on 2.x.
> +1
>  If I were starting a new project today, I would probably start it in 3.x.
> +1
> I just spent a large amount of effort porting reportlab to a version which
> works with both python2.7 and python3.3. I have a large number of functions
> etc which handle the conversions that differ between the two pythons.
> For fairly sensible reasons we changed the internal default to use unicode
> rather than bytes. After doing all that and making the tests compatible etc
> etc I have a version which runs in both and passes all its tests. However,
> for whatever reason the python 3.3 version runs slower
> 2.7 Ran 223 tests in 66.578s
> 3.3 Ran 223 tests in 75.703s
> I know some of these tests are fairly variable, but even for simple things
> like paragraph parsing 3.3 seems to be slower. Since both use unicode
> internally it can't be that can it, or is python 2.7's unicode faster?
> So far the superiority of 3.3 escapes me, but I'm tasked with enjoying
> this process so I'm sure there must be some new 'feature' that will help.
> Perhaps 'yield from' or 'raise from None' or .......
> In any case I think we will be maintaining python 2.x code for at least
> another 5 years; the version gap is then a real hindrance.
> --
> Robin Becker
> --

Best Regards,
David Hutto
*CEO:* * <>*
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