mapping objects

Cameron Simpson cs at
Sun Feb 2 17:40:35 EST 2014

On 02Feb2014 07:41, Rita <rmorgan466 at> wrote:
> Thanks for the response Cameron. No amount of 'googling' could provide me
> with that caliber response :-)
> So, it seems regardless I would need a database.

To use SQLA, yes.

The SQLite backend is a very cheap/easy way to start; local files,
no server needed etc.

In unit tests I use this DB URL: 'sqlite:///:memory:'. It makes an
in-memory database. Of course, it vanishes as soon the the program
exits, but for this purpose that's fine.

BTW, if you're parsing XML data specificly, look at BeautifulSoup
4 and XPath (search syntax; IIRC the XML objects you get from BS4
can use it to locate things).

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose from;
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year's model.   - Andrew S. Tanenbaum

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