uWSGI, nGinx, and python on Wheezy: how do you configure it?

Veek M vek.m1234 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 20:58:29 EST 2014

Just to be very very clear about this:
1. I have never worked seriously with Javascript, frameworks, django, flask 
2. I can write CGI on Apache.
3. I have never worked with nginx untill 2 days ago.
4. All this started because I wanted to mess with SQL/CSS/HTML5.
5. Some frigging! *moron* on IRC-freenode told me to look at the website via 

There is a long list of links that serves as a TOC and there's no 
'Architecture' or 'What is uWSGI?' - it starts with a cookbook solution, 
installing, configuration, FIFO, Socket.. but there's nothin on what the app 

I've read PEP 333 and PEP 3333 and googled even more cookbook solutions.. 
and the wikipedia has no info barring it's an appserver

I know what a webserver is.. reverse proxy too.. but appserver as per 
wikipedia is difficult for me to understand..

    Quickstart for Python/WSGI applications
    Quickstart for perl/PSGI applications
    Quickstart for ruby/Rack applications

    Getting uWSGI
    Installing uWSGI
    The uWSGI build system
    Managing the uWSGI server
    Supported languages and platforms
    Supported Platforms/Systems
    Web server integration
    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    Things to know (best practices and ?issues?) READ IT !!!
    Configuring uWSGI
    Fallback configuration
    Configuration logic
    uWSGI Options
    Defining new options for your instances
    How uWSGI parses config files
    uwsgi protocol magic variables
    The uwsgi Protocol
    Managing external daemons/services
    The Master FIFO
    Socket activation with inetd/xinetd
    Running uWSGI via Upstart
    Running uWSGI instances with Circus
    Embedding an application in uWSGI
    Formatting uWSGI requests logs
    Log encoders
    uWSGI third party plugins

    The uWSGI Caching Cookbook
    Setting up Django and your web server with uWSGI and nginx
    Running uWSGI on Dreamhost shared hosting
    Running python webapps on Heroku with uWSGI
    Running Ruby/Rack webapps on Heroku with uWSGI
    Reliably use FUSE filesystems for uWSGI vassals (with Linux)
    Build a dynamic proxy using RPC and internal routing
    Setting up Graphite on Ubuntu using the Metrics subsystem

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