encrypt the http request url on the local machine

iMath redstone-cold at 163.com
Tue Dec 9 07:43:33 EST 2014

在 2014年12月9日星期二UTC+8下午2时58分36秒,iMath写道:
> my software on the local machine needs to send http request to a specific web server , is there any way to protect the http request url from being found by Packet analyzer software like Wireshark and fiddler. The sever is not mine, so I can do nothing in the server .
> It would be better to show some code, I am an absolutely newbie in encryption .

I don't know any  form of encryption that the server _does_ support, the sever is not mine.
Here I just don't want to any other guys using packet analyzer software know which server my software is sending data to

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