encrypt the http request url on the local machine

dieter dieter at handshake.de
Tue Dec 9 02:19:43 EST 2014

iMath <redstone-cold at 163.com> writes:

> my software on the local machine needs to send http request to a specific web server , is there any way to protect the http request url from being found by Packet analyzer software like Wireshark and fiddler. The sever is not mine, so I can do nothing in the server .

Not sure about "fiddler" but "wireshark" is a logger at tcp level.
When you use "https" (rather than "http"), a tcp logger may still see
the host (it definitely sees the IP address) but will not see
the rest of the url (as this is transmitted in encrypted form).

The protection provided by "https" is sufficient for "normal" use.
I recently heared a scientific talk suggesting that "https" protection
can be preached with a lot of computing power. Thus, there is likely
no protection against secret service surveillance (and maybe law
enforcement agencies).

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