About Modifying Globals

shiyao.ma i at introo.me
Thu Dec 4 21:53:09 EST 2014

On 12/04, LJ wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a quick question regarding the modification of global variables within functions. To illustrate, consider the following toy example:
> a={"1": set()}
> b=9
> def gt(l):
>    a["1"] = a["1"] | set([l])
> When calling this last function and checking the a dictionary, I get:
> >>> gt(5)
> >>> a
> {"1": set([5])}
> The set in the dictionary was modified. The question is, why isn't it necessary to declare a as global within the gt function, as apposed to a case like
> def gt2(l):
>    b=b+l
> where I need to declare b as global within the function to avoid:
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'b' referenced before assignment.

Well. To understand the difference, one first has to know the mechanism of CPython.
When you have a script, CPython will first parse it, and then generate bytecode representation, and then finally execute it.
If you take a look at the bytecode of both your source code, you will notice, that.

In the first snippet, there is something like LOAD_NAME, which loads the global name a.
However, in the second snippet, there would be a LOAD_FAST, which loads the local name b (which is, technically speaking, stored in the PyFrameObj).

The reason Python treats it differently, is, IIUC, for better semantic meaning, and also, for huge performance improvement.

Hope that explains.


Shiyao Ma

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