Distinguishing attribute name from varible name to make codes clear and definite

luofeiyu elearn2014 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 10:13:32 EDT 2014

I feel that self.x and x will be confused in the following codes.

     class MyDescriptor(object):
          def __init__(self, x):
              self.x = x
          def __get__(self, instance, owner):
              print('get from descriptor')
              return self.x
          def __set__(self, instance, value):
              print('set from descriptor')
              self.x = value
          def __delete__(self, instance):
              print('del from descriptor, the val is', self.x)


when class MyDescriptor  initiate , the `hallo` was passed into x in 
__init__(self, x);
Literally  self.x maybe understood to be self.hallo ,assign a attribute 
named 'hallo' to instance exam.
It is a better way to replace self.x to self.y .

     class MyDescriptor(object):
          def __init__(self, x):
              self.y = x
          def __get__(self, instance, owner):
              print('get from descriptor')
              return self.y
          def __set__(self, instance, value):
              print('set from descriptor')
              self.y = value
          def __delete__(self, instance):
              print('del from descriptor, the val is', self.y)

There is a attribute y  in instance exam , the `hallo` was passed into x 
in __init__(self, x).No any relation between x and y ,`hallo` and y.
My view is correct or not ?

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