Unicode in Python

Rustom Mody rustompmody at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 01:31:41 EDT 2014

Chris Angelico wrote:
> it's impossible for most people to type (and programming with a palette
> of arbitrary syntactic tokens isn't my idea of fun)...

Where's the suggestion to use a "palette of arbitrary tokens" ?

I just tried a greek keyboard; ie do
$ setxkbmap -option "grp:switch,grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll" -layout "us,gr"

Thereafter typing
after a Shift-Alt

One more Shift-Alt and back to roman

IOW the extra typing cost for greek letters is negligible
over the corresponding roman ones

Of course
- One would need to define such a keyboard (setxkb)
- One would have to find similar technologies for other OSes (Im on
debian; even ubuntu/unity grabs too many keys)

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