segmentation fault, executable python file

Jurko Gospodnetić jurko.gospodnetic at
Fri Apr 4 07:05:52 EDT 2014


On 4.4.2014. 11:17, Chris Angelico wrote:
> But from here you need someone more familiar with cxfreeze. All I
> can advise is to compare installed packages on each; maybe you
> have multiple versions of some library or something.

   From what little I know of it, it freezes as little as possible of 
Python's modules into the executable and stores the remaining Python 
code in a single zip file and loads it from there at run-time.

   That should limit your search area to just the frozen part and 
externally used libraries, and my instinct tells me gdb should be able 
to point you in the culprit's direction in no time.

   Hope this helps.

   Best regards,
     Jurko Gospodnetić

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