First day beginner to python, add to counter after nested loop

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at
Wed Oct 30 15:26:06 EDT 2013

On 30/10/2013 18:55, jonas.thornvall at wrote:
> And it is certainly no problem to me it just means 10 more minutes now and then, the first week or two looking it up myself. But it adds up and the introduction to a programming language is always the hardest part, and finding out that the monkeys that implemented python can not follow directions, was the hardest part.  The fuckers turned to go anal, and i do not like it. No more then i like the anal fuckers in any programming language. There seem to be these people around on every usenet programming group, so i wonder is this a programmer feature to go anal?
> I consider myself a sloppy but intelligent person. So who are these anal monkeys  that seem to pop up in every NG dealing with programming i want to do a Myer-Briggs on the fuckers and make them conform to intelligence not anal behaviour but is it even possible?

Thank you for being honest enough to tell us what you're really like. 
I've certainly known a few people shoot themselves in the foot over the 
years, but I never thought I'd come across a Black Knight who could chop 
off his own arms and legs.

Python is the second best programming language in the world.
But the best has yet to be invented.  Christian Tismer

Mark Lawrence

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