How to help us to help you (was: Image manipulation)

Ben Finney ben+python at
Tue Oct 8 17:05:51 EDT 2013

markotaht at writes:

> Well english isnt my native language, and there are things i just dont
> know how to explain in any language.

I sympathise with attempting to explain things in a foreign language.
Sorry that you have that difficulty here.

But the rest of Steven's advice is sound: you need to help us to help

One way to do that: Please don't use Google Groups to post here, it
mangles your replies in ways that make it difficult for you to be
understood <URL:>.

> And i cant give all the codes i am using, since there are loads of
> pieces i do not own, but i know the people who made them.

So you need to present examples that are short, self-contained, correct,
compilable <URL:>. That may entail you writing the
examples for the purpose of posting them here; but do run them yourself
before posting!

You'll often learn about the problem without needing our input if you do
it that way. And if you don't, then you have a tool that will definitely
get you better responses here.

 \        “The problem with television is that the people must sit and |
  `\    keep their eyes glued on a screen: the average American family |
_o__)                 hasn't time for it.” —_The New York Times_, 1939 |
Ben Finney

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