Python development tools

cutems93 ms2597 at
Sun Jun 23 16:40:07 EDT 2013


I am new to python development and I want to know what kinds of tools people use for python development. I went to Python website and found several tools. 

1. Automated Refactoring Tools
2. Bug Tracking
3. Configuration And BuildTools
4. Distribution Utilities
5. Documentation Tools
6. Integrated Development Environments
7. Python Debuggers
8. Python Editors
9. Python Shells
10. Test Software
11. Useful Modules
12. Version Control

What else do I need? Also, which software is used in daily base? I know version control software and bug tracking software are used almost everyday by developers. Which software is used less often? 

Also, I will use GUI interface for Python. What kind of widget toolkits do you recommend? I know there are GTK+ and Qt. 

Thank you in advance!
-Min S.-

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