PEP8 79 char max

Ed Leafe ed at
Mon Jul 29 18:54:04 EDT 2013

On Jul 29, 2013, at 5:30 PM, Devyn Collier Johnson <devyncjohnson at> wrote:

> Evidently, it is personal preference. I prefer to read computer code like a book (yes, I am a weirdo (^u^)). The only time I exced 79 characters is when I write a set of commands that perform similar tasks. I do not make too many lines over 79 char. Thanks everyone for the comments and feedback.

I have heard this statement before, and so I'm wondering: do you read books printed in monospaced typefaces, or do they have proportional fonts? I've yet to come across anything meant to be read as literature that was monospaced, because it is much harder to read.

I had read about a developer who switched to using proportional fonts for coding, and somewhat skeptically, tried it out. After a day or so it stopped looking strange, and after a week it seemed so much easier to read. I only switched back because I found I lost productivity switching from vim to a graphical text editor.

-- Ed Leafe

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