Parse a Wireshark pcap file

Grant Edwards invalid at invalid.invalid
Wed Jan 23 16:50:59 EST 2013

On 2013-01-23, Kevin Holleran <kdawg44 at> wrote:

> Is there a way to parse out a wireshark pcap file and extract key value
> pairs from the data?

You can use pylibpcap to read pcap files (or to capture live data).
I'm afraid I don't know what "parse out" or "extract key value pairs"
means.  pylibpcap doesn't have access to any of wireshark's packet
disecter plugins, if that's what you're after.

> I am illustrated a sniff of some traffic and why it needs utilize
> HTTPS instead of HTTP but I was hoping to run the pcap through a
> python script and just output some interesting key value pairs....

To what does "key value pairs" refer?

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I am a traffic light,
                                  at               and Alan Ginzberg kidnapped
                                my laundry in 1927!

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